The Torah and Gentile Believers

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The covenant that God gave to Israel in Sinai is essentially given to the people of Israel. It is in fact one of the aspects of particularity of the Jewish Nation. The Torah of Moses that was given to Israel in Mt. Sinai is the very instrument that makes Israel a special nation set apart to be as Moses tells Israel, “and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel.” A “holy nation” means that it is a nation set apart.

There are two ways to destroy Israel and deny Israel’s election the first is by causing the Jewish to assimilate and know nothing about the Torah, or the second way is to get the non-Jews to imitate the Torah and start keeping it. This trend that is now being spread among the Asian nations and in the West is of the greatest danger to both the Jewish nation and especially to the disciples of Yeshua, but no less it is also a danger for those non-Jews who are imitating the Jewish Torah and often times become alienated from their community. From years of observation of people like these who imitate the Torah I have seen they don’t bring a benefit neither to their families nor to the people of Israel, and as the Rabbis have said in the Talmud, “Converts to Judaism (Gerim) are as hard for Israel as syphilis.” (Babylonian Talmud Yebamot 109b, and Kidushin 70b)

This by the way is the reason that the Apostle Paul objected so strongly for non-Jews to be circumcised and convert to Judaism. Paul was actually protecting the very existence of Israel as a nation. Today as the film is being rolled backwards and the Gospel is returning to Jerusalem and the Lord is preparing the nation of Israel for salvation it is interesting that the same phenomena is reoccurring, it is inevitable that together with the restoration of the good things some of the bad things from the first century are also being restored. We do have an advantage in that the Apostles have already dealt with these issues and we have their documents to guide us ? only if we would hear them.

However, if a non-Jew is living in the "Camp of Israel" - that is in the middle of a Jewish Community - he is obligated to live in such a way that he would not do things that are offensive to those who are the majority in his community.
Although the Torah speaks of "ONE LAW" for the Jew and for the stranger in the camp, the stranger has to be insitde Israel's camp and he still remains a stranger according to the Torah. Even if the “stranger” ? the non-Jew keeps all the Torah he will still not become Jewish by just keeping the Torah.


It is not wrong to keep the Torah by choice, but it is not obligatory in any way for the salvation of the non-Jews. Anyone can keep anything he or she wants to keep. There can be no objection to eating beef, or chicken for non-Jews, they don’t have to eat only non-Kosher food, but it must be noted that this would not bring them closer to God or make them more “Saved” in any way.
As written in Romans 14, there is freedom in God's Kingdom and it is not "eating or drinking."

However, anyone who wants to keep Torah should note that even Jews failed to keeo Torah. In fact the whole Torah speaks of this and even Moses at the very end of his life said:
“Take this Book of the Law, and put it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be there as a witness against you; for I know your rebellion and your stiff neck. If today, while I am yet alive with you, you have been rebellious against the Lord, then how much more after my death? Gather to me all the elders of your tribes, and your officers, that I may speak these words in their hearing and call heaven and earth to witness against them. For I know that after my death you will become utterly corrupt, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you. And evil will befall you in the latter days, because you will do evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to anger through the work of your hands.” (Deuteronomy 31:26-29) The Apostle Peter said it very well in Acts 15:10, “Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?”

As for Jews, -- Jews have to do their best to keep the whole Torah, because their forefathers gave an oath to God in Mt. Sinai that they will hear and do the Torah. In the end, they too are saved only by grace.
Today even if the Jews would want to keep the Torah they can not keep the whole Torah because they have no Temple, nor do they have trained and qualified Preists, or an Altar on Mount Moriah to be able to offer the sacrifices in Jerusalem. All that a Jew can do today is observe the Torah as a lifestyle and keep those things that are a part of the every day and holiday ritual and no more. Jews don't have tools to keep the Torah. as God gave it to Moses in Mount Sinai.

Moreover, as a Jew I have to confess that we don't have a repentant spirit nor do we have the moral qualification that the Torah requires as a prerequisite for God to accept our keeping of His commandments. Even keeping Jewish traditions and commandments of God is a lifestyle that the majority of the Jewish people today don’t keep.


We are one in the Lord but we have a different function. Please see the prepositions in Romans 3:29-31.
The Jews have a specific calling from God. So, mixing Jews up with all the nations goes against God's will. I hate to sound exclusive or racist, but look at Paul's words in 1 Cor 7:17-23. Paul in this text gives a clear command for all the churches that whoever became a disciple of Yeshua as a Jew (Circumcised) ought not make himself a non-Jew by pulling on his foreskin (This is literally what it says.). Whoever, on the other hand was called by God to be a disciple of Yeshua uncircumcised let him not be circumcised. This ruling of the Apostle is a canon law and this in fact is the language of this text.

Let us even today observe this law of Paul and allow the Jews to be Jews and keep the traditions and commandments that God has given them and at the same time not push or press or require from our non-Jewish brothers and sisters to put themselves under the Torah ? something that will not benefit them in anyway and for sure will damage or harm the Jewish nation. The Grace of God is sufficient for us at all times!

Joseph Shulam


