The Law the Jew and the Gentile
By Tsvi Sadan
メシアニック雑誌 キブン 編集長ツビ・サダン
In the past, deprived and without rights, Jews were seen as a living testimony to the wrath of God. Today, Jews are seen as a living testimony for the love of God. There are two primary reasons for this revolution: Zionism and the Holocaust. Zionism ? an ideology that encouraged Jews to return to their Land ? rekindled eschatological expectations that saw the return of the Jews to their Land as heralding the coming of the Messiah. The Holocaust built a sense of guilt for what was viewed as a Christian anti-Semitism that went out of control and resulted in Nazism.
The lifting up of the anti-Semitic veil, initiated the renewed interest in the Jewish religion and in the Jewish people. That in turn gave Christians the legitimacy to express close affiliation with the Jewish people. Some went further and expressed a desire to live like Jews. Others went even further and expressed a desire to be Jews. This trend, which for now represents only the fringes of Christianity, is forcing the age old question once again: ‘what is the significance of the Jewish people?’
Before going any further, it should be clear enough that no matter what
view one takes ? whether the old negative view or the new positive one,
there seem to be no objection that Jewish presence is a must and therefore,
this presence must also be identifiable. It makes no sense to talk about
the necessity of Jewish presence without the ability to identify this presence.
In other words, Jews must recognize themselves as Jews and Gentiles must
recognize that they are not Jews.
Given this, what is so important about Jewish existence that it must be guarded and protected? Simply put, there is no redemption apart from the Jews. Paul said succinctly that the gospel is the “power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Rom 1:16). Jews, he says, must perpetually accept the gospel if Gentiles are to be saved. Paul of course is consistent with the prophetic vision of, say, Jeremiah, who understood well that heaven and earth will pass away before God’s covenant with (physical) Israel will be broken (Jer. 33: 25-26).
With the significance of Jewish existence made clear, how are they to be recognize? Again, simply put, Jewish identity is expressed to its fullest when specific genealogy, laws and land are amalgamated. In other words, Jewish existence is fully recognizable when the descendants of Jacob who received the Torah from Mount Sinai are living according to it in a Land of Canaan. In light of it, it is not surprising that the prophets are seeing this utopian vision becoming real prior to the coming of the Messiah; which in essence express a tacit understanding that a world devoid of Jews cannot receive the Messiah.
This being the case, it really makes no difference whether one accepts the view that to be saved, all Jews must covert to Christianity or that all Christians must somehow become Jews. Out of hate or out of love the outcome is the same: making Jewish existence unrecognizable.
This conclusion have straight forward practical implications. On the negative side, anything that encourages Jews to abandon obedience to Torah have to be viewed as severely damaging the ability to make Jewish existence recognizable. Likewise, anything that encourages Gentiles to keep the Torah is having the same effect. This leaves us with the positive approach, which again, Paul was able to say succinctly: “Was anyone called while circumcised? Let him not become uncircumcised. Was anyone called while uncircumcised? Let him not be circumcised” (1Cor. 7:18). What expressed here is the grand idea of accepting the ‘other’, which Paul learns from “loving your neighbor,” and also from tribal segregation of Israel and Levi, prohibition of man to wear woman’s clothing (and vise versa) ? all are commands that teach not to blear distinctions (which He created) but to respect them for they serve a purpose that goes beyond accepting the other and that is, accepting God himself.
In light of it all, though at the surface it may look fine, the spread of new trends that encourages Gentiles to keep the Law, and even convert to Judaism, is not so much an expression of love toward the Jews as it is a manifestation of self-hatred, or lack of ability to accept oneself. True expression of love is shown not by rejecting one’s own identity for the sake of another. Rather, love is shown by accepting the fact that Jews were made different for a purpose just as true expression of love is for Gentiles to accept that they were made different, and for a good purpose.