
Dear Naoji,

I do not think that a subject as important as this can be adequately addressed in such a short amount of space. The issues are complex and require nuanced thinking. It is very easy inadvertently to make one-sided statements that sound convincing but do not really engage the other side’s text-based arguments. To respond uncritically can actually be more damaging to our cause.

As chair of the UMJC Theology Committee this year, I am leading a discussion on the subject of “Thinking Together” at the next meeting in Charleston. One of the main points I intend to raise is that, as UMJC leaders, we need to listen to each other and do our best to see the other side. We are called to be advocates for the well-being of all members of UMJC congregations, whether they be Messianic Jews, Messianic Gentiles, Jews married to Jews, Gentiles married to Gentiles, Jews married to Gentiles, proselytes, Gentiles born in Messianic synagogues, Jews who do not believe in Yeshua, etc. Being an advocate for the whole means that we think through the impact of our words on all of these groups. We should ask the question: “Who are we leaving out of this conversation? Whose perspective are we disregarding or not paying proper attention to?” When we think together in this way, it becomes inevitable that we must address the issue of Torah for Gentiles within our movement.

Theologically, the UMJC supports the view that covenant responsibilities differ between Jews and Gentiles in the kingdom of God (http://www.umjc.net/content/view/24/58/). However, there is no consensus of opinion among our leaders as to exactly what this should look like within our movement or without. This means that we need to humbly approach this issue as careful scholars and ask good questions so that we might arrive at answers that are biblically and pastorally sound. When it comes to the uniformity groups, whether pro-Torah or non-Torah, we need to learn from them and critically engage their text-based arguments even if we agree to disagree in the end. I would encourage you to consider how you can best articulate a holistic approach to truth with respect to the theological challenges these groups (in all of their diversity) present in Japan.

Shalom in Yeshua,

David J. Rudolph, Ph.D. (Cambridge)
