Who is Beloved? A commentary on Law-keeping for the Gentiles
恵みの天幕(オハレー・ラハミーム) エイタン・シシコフ
by Eitan Shishkoff
In a famous line from the heart-warming Eastern European Jewish story "Fiddler on the Roof," Tevya, the milkman, looks to heaven and asks a question. "Lord, I know that we Jews are your chosen people and that you have entrusted us with many blessings. But Lord, couldn't you have chosen someone else?"
The obvious irony in Tevya's question is that while being chosen has brought
blessings, it has also brought us much suffering. So why would a Christian,
not born Jewish, want to place himself under the requirements of God's
law (Torah) for Israel, the people chosen to bring world redemption? Is
it God's plan for all followers of Jesus to keep Torah?
We live in a day when the Spirit is inspiring many Christians to love Israel and to appreciate the Jewish roots of the New Covenant. This is a welcome revolution. After nearly 1800 years of anti-Semitism in the name of Jesus Christ, the Jewish people are ready for the honor and affection now coming from portions of the Church. In the past 40 years we have seen the rise of many ministries devoted to supporting Israel, increasing awareness of the Gospel's Jewish roots and helping Jewish people find their Messiah without having to become Gentiles.
With such a wave of visionary enthusiasm it is understandable that the Jewish way of life now looks attractive to Gentiles who are following Jesus, with a heart for Israel. How can we know where the balance is? What is required? What is allowed? Must everyone live according to Torah, both Jew and Gentile? If not, how can the Gentile believer express solidarity with the Jewish believer?
第一に考えるべきことは、モーセの律法を守ることによっては救われないという、新約聖書の明確な教えです。救いは信じるユダヤ人と異邦人の双方に対して、恵みと信仰により与えられる (エペソ書2:8、ローマ書1:16、ガラテヤ書2:16) のです。それゆえ個人が、律法に従うことにより「もっと救われる」とか「もっと霊的」になることは出来ません。それが可能なら、メシアの血による絶対的な贖いの意義が失われてしまいます。
First, the clear teaching of the New Covenant is that keeping the Law of Moses is not a requirement for salvation. Salvation is by grace through faith for all who believe, both Jew and Gentile (Ephesians 2:8; Romans 1:16; Galatians 2:16). Therefore, an individual cannot be "more saved" or "more spiritual" by embracing the requirements of Torah. If so, the utter value of the blood of Messiah would be diminished.
Secondly, the apostles already wrestled with this very question of Torah keeping for Gentile believers. "Some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying 'It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.' (Acts 15:5)" In response, Peter recounted the falling of the Spirit upon the house of Cornelius (Acts 10), without "distinction." In the apostles definitive letter, they wrote "some…have troubled you with words, unsettling your souls, saying 'You must be circumcised and keep the law,' to whom we gave no such commandment. (Acts 15:24)" This sounds just like the controversy of today. And their answer could not be clearer.
So, if the Gentile believer in Jesus is not required to be circumcised and to keep Torah, is he allowed to? May he keep part but not all? Since the disciples of Yeshua both celebrated the feasts of Israel (Leviticus 23) and understood their Messianic significance, His 21st century disciples of all nations are free to celebrate them too. In doing so, the Gentile believer affirms the eternal value of these prophetic festivals, and identifies as a friend of Israel. Through the feasts, through support for the nation of Israel, through intercession, through teaching and rejoicing in the Jewish roots of the New Covenant---all these express solidarity with the Jewish people.
But is there a different origin to this question of "keeping Torah for the Gentiles?" Could it be rooted more in the issue of personal value than in theological debate? In some subtle way has the Messianic movement sent a signal that God prefers Jews, so it's better to be Jewish? Should the Japanese believer, for instance, be jealous of the Jewish national calling? Some are even converting to Judaism, hoping to show their zeal. I want to begin my answer by repenting on behalf of our movement. At times intentionally (God, forgive us!) at other times unintentionally, we have implied that Gentiles were "not quite as important to God" as Jews. Oh, beloved, this is NOT the case. "For God so loved the WORLD, that He sent His only begotten Son…" PLEASE forgive us, the Messianic Jews, for in any way communicating the lie you are less favored by God than we are. It is not true.
He loves the people of Japan NO LESS than the people of Israel. We have unique callings, just as we have unique anatomical features as male and female. Jealousy has no place between men and women. God has created both with equal value. Likewise, He does not want His Gentile children jealous of His Jewish children. We are equally beloved in His eyes. And we are called to an extraordinary friendship now, at the end of the age, for the salvation of both Israel and Japan.